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Lsi Keywords why we need it and more Strategy about it


“Let us show you how to use this breakthrough Semantic Keyword Strategy that’s working like magic in 2018 to rank your website on page 1 Google quickly, safely and effectively... while your clueless competitors fade away in the
search engine rankings!”
  • Start dominating the most PROFITABLE keywords in your niche...
  • Outperform your competition even if they’re spending more time, money and resources than you on SEO...
  • See your monthly visitors, sales and profits SURGE almost immediately...
  • Get engagement for EACH piece of content you create...
  • Let Google’s current and future algorithm updates PROPEL your rankings higher, instead of becoming a victim of penalization like millions of sites.

Fellow Marketer,

The future of SEO is here...

If you’re only acquiring backlinks and doing general onpage optimization, it’s no longer “enough” to propel your website to Page 1 of Google.

Not even close!


Because even since Google introduced Hummingbird, Rankbrain and voice searches like Google Assistant, the game has changed.

And so, like the top SEO and content marketers who know what’s working NOW...

You can either start using this cutting-edge SEO strategy to outrank your competition in even the most competitive niches...

Or, like most cluess marketers...

... get nowhere near the first page of Google even after following all the free SEO guides that are available online.

You have a choice now.

You Want to Be Firmly Planted on
Google Page 1, Correct?

Great -- I’m going to show you exactly how.

But first, let me just introduce myself.

My name is Andry R., and I’m the founder of LSIGraph.

You may have seen our tool that's been featured by many world-class SEO marketers like Neil Patel, Backlinko, and Search Engine Journal... and perhaps even used our API that powers top WordPress SEO plugins like SEOPressor.

As for our website

If you search for ANY keyword related to “LSI keyword”, such as “LSI keywords”, “What is LSI keywords” or other similar queries...

You'll see us firmly planted at the top of page 1 on Google.

The coolest thing?

We are even featured in the Google answers (as seen below).

Now, why am I sharing this with you?

Actually, the reason is very simple...

Semantic SEO is the secret strategy behind our success.

It's also how we help our professional clients -- Top brands, businesses and marketers around the world -- position their website at the top of search engines today... and to prepare for domination in the SERPS for the months and years to come.

The good news is...

It Can Be The Winning Strategy
For Your Website too

In fact, having a semantic keyword strategy has become so critical for page 1 rankings that top SEO and content marketing expert Neil Patel says:

“LSI keywords, otherwise known as latent semantic indexing keywords, are necessary for SEO in 2018.”

What this means is...

If you want to uncover the most searched, most profitable, and most overlooked keywords that will allow you to grow your business online...

And RANK for them at the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing...

Then it's no longer optional -- You need to arm your website with a Semantic Keyword Strategy today, so you can start outranking your competition because Semantic SEO is where the whole industry is heading.

Unfortunately, most marketers are quickly being left behind.

They spend countless hours creating content...

They invest $1,000's of dollars buying and building backlinks...

They hire the best web designers to improve their website...

But the result?

They're still unable to break into the first page of Google, and they don't know why!

All Their Time, Money and Energy
Down the Drain

So here's the thing:

If you haven't adapted to the new ways of SEO in 2018...

If you don't know how to do the correct way of semantic keyword research... how to use the keywords you've discovered to plan a proven step-by-step strategy... and how to then execute your gameplan like a Marketing Pro...

Then you're guaranteed to get left behind by your savvier competitors that DO possess these secrets.

But the good news is...

This doesn't have to happen to you.

Because now for the first time ever, you can get your hands on...

Our Semantic Keyword Strategy Guide
That Lets You Dominate Google in 2018
(And Beyond)

This brand new step-by-step blueprint is a must-have if you want to launch your website to Google page 1 quickly, easily, and effectively.

And experts are calling it the "definite guide" to Semantic SEO.

Which means...

Now you can join the top 1% of SEO and content marketers who know what's working now... to not only position your website for top Google rankings, but to also enjoy greater traffic, sales and profits as a result.

What's more...

Many top brands are already priming their websites for soon-to-come Google algorithm changes with this semantic keyword strategy guide.

So shouldn't you?

Some of the tips inside this guide include:

  • The quickest, safest, most effective way to rank your website in 2018. (We see this becoming even stronger moving into 2019.)
  • A complete guide to keyword planning, including the first and most important thing to do when coming up with your keyword list.
  • How to target keywords for different online campaigns, including SEO, PPC and Social Media.
  • Why you should NEVER hire an SEO company (or even do SEO yourself) until you know how to create a "semantic keyword strategy" as I walk you through in this complete guide.
  • How to OPTIMIZE your content for massive traffic, sales and profits... so you don't waste time, money and energy creating them without getting results.
  • A step-by-step guide to uncovering all the main keywords & LSI keywords needed for your website/business to be successful.
  • Inbound and outbound linking techniques for higher Google rankings.
  • Keyword research strategies that many SEO professionals don't even know about, such as keywords stoppers, grammatical issues, and keyword synonyms.
  • The Google & Bing Ranking Conspiracy -- The best way for small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete against all these corporations buying their way to the top of the search rankings.
  • Deep dive into designing a long term SEO strategy to win the game in 2018 and beyond.
  • What types of keywords to target for maximum results at minimum costs.
  • What is Venice, and how to take advantage of this Google update to generate more traffic for your business and websites.
  • Single keywords VS longtail keywords: Which should you target for your business? The answer may surprise you!
  • 6 of the best free keyword research tools (that we personally use for ourselves and our professional clients) for generating quality traffic to your website.
  • The 9-word philosophy for outranking, outperforming, and outplaying your competition on Google.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Because I want you to be the leader in your market, I've also decided to include beginner to advanced SEO lessons to gear you up for massive search ranking success!

Lessons such as:

  • Specific terms to avoid because it's almost impossible to rank for them in Google or other search engines.
  • Should you target your brand name if you have a medium-sized or small business? We give you the final answer.
  • Free and paid tools that allow you to spy on your competitors... and leap over them in the SERPS!
  • The single most important question to ask yourself before starting keyword research.
  • Keyword Planning for Social Media - Tips, tricks and highly effective strategies.
  • Best ways to track, monitor and optimize your keyword results.
  • 3 keyword metrics that indicate the "health" of your SEO campaign.
  • The ideal number of words for your website, whether it’s a post, an article or the Home Page itself.
  • The RIGHT WAY to use LSI keywords in your content. (If you do this wrong, your Google rankings will go nowhere, or even plunge.)
  • The 5 best tools for "reading" your potential customer's mindset. This tells you if they are just browsing, or ready to buy!
  • Singular VS Plural keywords - Find out which you should target for your website.
  • My 5 favorite ways to discover the best LSI keywords for a website, and how to correctly implement them.
  • How to create the perfect anchor text every time.
  • The secret of keyword mapping that allows you to plan a winning SEO strategy for your business. (This is especially useful when managing a website with multiple, hundreds, even thousands of pages.)

And much, MUCH more.

Best part?
Now with this step-by-step guide...

You'll gain keyword mastery for SERP domination -- An ability most others do not possess and as a result, they can't help but sabotage their own SEO campaign, get nowhere and ultimately achieve nothing.

And remember...

This Is The Semantic Keyword Strategy We Use To Outrank Our Fiercest Competitors On Google, Yahoo and Bing!

So from today onward...

You can be supremely confident in planning & managing your own SEO campaign because you'll get the semantic keyword strategy we reveal only to our consulting clients who pay us $10K and up.

Like them, you'll be able to start owning your niche and positioning your business/website for higher rankings in the months and years ahead. And more importantly...

As Google continues to update its algorithm to provide searchers with the best possible results, millions of websites that aren't optimized for these swift and sudden changes will plunge in rankings...

While your website will instead stay firmly planted on Google page 1 for massive traffic!

Think about how much that is worth to you in terms of leads, sales and revenue. Probably a lot, right?

Is Semantic Keyword Guide For You

So here's the deal:

• If you're an Entrepreneur who wants to outrank your competitors on the first page of Google even though they're spending more time, money and energy than you on SEO...

• If you're an SEO Professional who needs to know what's working now in 2018 when it comes to semantic keyword strategies, so you can get the best results for you or your clients...